Years ago I had the opportunity to go to England and see the Chelsea Garden Show.
This was a big one on my bucket list. I had wanted to do this for years but I had my own flower and gift shop and the show was always Mother’s Day weekend here. No way I could go then.
About 4 years after I closed my shop, a friend and I were able to go. American Express was running a 2 for 1 deal and off to England we went. Before we went – we joined the Royal Horticultural Society. That let us in before the general public at the show.
The other benefit?
Free admission into some of the most wonderful gardens in England. One of the gardens was Sissinghurst, home to Vita Sackville-West and her amazing White Garden.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see it at night – which would have been epic. But, even during the day, it was stunning.
The idea of a white garden has stuck with me – something I would love to do, someday.
In the meantime, I have been collecting plants I might use for the garden – below is a list to get us started.

- warning – Deer Candy!
- can vary varieties to extend bloom time
- zone 4-6, short-lived in 7-8
- average height 12″-24″

- Deer/rabbit resistant
- full sun/partial shade
- 2-3′ tall
- self-seeds, not invasive

- Annual, may need dead-heading
- 6-24″ spread
- spring thru frost bloom
- full sun

- Nigella is an annual
- self-seeds, but not invasive
- 2 plantings will extend bloom time
- blooms late spring thru summer

- lots of variety
- blooms Jan-April
- single and double blooms

Sweet Pea
- Vine, needs support
- Fragrant
- full sun
- Summer to Frost bloom

- blooms late spring-summer
- attracts pollinators
- all parts edible with cucumber flavor
- self-seeds, can be invasive

Sea Holly - Eryngium
- low maintenance, heat tolerant
- full sun, zones 4-9
- 6-18″ tall
- blooms summer-fall

Garlic Chives
- 12-24″ tall, zone 3-10
- Full sun
- Summer bloom
- Can be invasive – deadhead to prevent

Bleeding Heart
- early spring bloom
- may die back due to heat
- shade plant
- 6″-3′ tall, zone 2-9

- Attracts bees/butterflies
- drought tolerant, zone 2-11
- spring/summer bloom
- self-seeds

- Poisonous if ingested!
- attracts hummingbirds
- spring/summer bloom
- 1-8′ tall, zone 3-8

- both woody and herbaceous shrubs
- zones dependant on the type
- sun or shade
- shrub or small tree

- blooms April/May
- zones 4-7
- varieties up to 8′ tall
- dappled shade

- Blooms Spring-Summer
- Full-partial shade
- 1-5′ tall
- zones 3-7

Balloon Flower
- Full sun/partial shade
- blooms in summer
- 1-2′ tall
- zone 3-9

Candytuft - Iberis
- evergreen groundcover
- flowers 12-18″ tall
- spring/summer bloom
- extend bloom by deadheading

- Vining habit, needs support
- Full sun
- Lots of varieties
- Works well with climbing roses

- Shrub or small tree
- Lots of varieties
- Wide range of bloom period
- Wide range of sizes

Bear Garlic
- early spring bloom
- Bear food
- perennial, 6-12″ tall
- zone 5-9
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Do you have a favorite plant with white blooms? Silver foliage? Leave a note in the comments to share some of your favorites.
And as always, thanks for stopping by!