A Tea Garden -first in a series
I have always loved the thought of having several themed garden beds thru-out my yard. I even have the backyard to do it now….but the thought just exhausts me.
Being single is not really an excuse to not do it, nor is being sixty. There are lots of women in the same place I am that do a hell of a lot more gardening than I do.
And I say more power to them, I truly admire them. Unfortunately, I am not one of them and I have stopped beating myself up over it. I am working on excepting my limitations where I have to and pushing my limitations where I can.
I can’t tolerate the heat, and here in VA we have hot and humid summers and if I try to garden in them – I get sick. Out for days.
So no multiple theme gardens in my backyard, yet! But in the near future, I am planning on hiring someone to do the work for me. More on that later!
In the meantime –
I am going to start creating some of the gardens I want. I have a degree in Landscape Design – let’s put it to work!
So over the next couple of months – I will share with you some of my creations.
First up is a Tea Garden
I designed this for my Master Gardeners Demo Garden. The current garden had too many plants, many of which were annual in our zone and had to be replaced every year. If you are a Master Gardener, you know money is always a concern. The new design is simpler and all perennials.
Below are the orginal design and a picture, Then the design I created. I am hoping to get out and see if they have started and will update this post with pictures when I can.

Suggested Plants




Bee Balm


Some resources for you!
So how am I going to use all these theme gardens?
My thought is to create a croquet lawn in my back yard with the gardens surrounding it.
I want to have a croquet party were we all dress up and use plastic flamingos as our mallets! Hence the picture of Alice and the Mad Hatter having tea at the beginning of this post.
Yes – I’m weird, but that’s one of the reasons why my friends love me and life is so much more interesting.
Next up will be an all-white garden. Visions of Sissinghurst dance in my head. After that, a small formal herb garden I helped create with a college friend of mine for one of his clients. It’s pretty easy.
Do you have a theme garden? What a simple design for a theme garden? Leave a note in the comments, maybe your theme will be the next one up!
Thanks for stopping by!