Jun 27, 2019 | Gardening |
My t-shirts are now available! I am very happy to announce that Garden Hoe Emporium is now open for business! I have currently created 4 collections: Garden, Honey, Vino, and Library collection. I am working on the Feline collection and a Badass collection. Garden...
Feb 7, 2019 | Gardening |
Valentine’s Day or Single Awareness Day? So it’s that time of year again. When roses cost the same as a small car and chocolate is in your face everywhere. Years ago when I was younger I had a flower shop – Valentine’s Day caused me such mixed...
Nov 29, 2018 | Gardening |
Gifts for the Gardener Every now and then I write an article for my Master Gardener newsletter. I found this one when I was searching for ideas for an upcoming post to share with you. So, I had sent out an email to the entire County Master Gardeners asking...