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Gifts for the Gardener


Every now and then I write an article for my Master Gardener newsletter.  I found this one when I was searching for ideas for an upcoming post to share with you.

So, I had sent out an email to the entire County Master Gardeners asking them what they had on their Christmas list for that year.  It was fun reading all the responses I received, ranging from “a remedy for stinkbugs” and “a great tomato crop” to the more attainable gifts listed below.


  • A fragrant, Rosemary topiary tree.
  • Soothing windchimes
  • Any book on gardening
  • New gardening gloves
  •  “weird, unique piece of sculpture”
  • Subscription to Virginia Gardener magazine
  • A Hokie stone for the garden
  • A gift certificate to a favorite nursery, along with the labor to plant
  • Mulch, along with the labor to plant
  • A gift certificate from my family for labor in the garden


And the best one of all….

a “team of young men” to help in the garden.   Do you sense a theme here?  I have to say the last one is always on my list!  Owning a house over a hundred years old – I am always in need of help, both indoors and out.  I would love to have about ten days worth of labor from a team of young men.


Or how about The Twelve Days of Christmas – garden style?



On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…

12 wind chimes chiming

11 pruners pruning

10 men a mulching

9 mowers mowing

8 hoes a hoeing

7 kids a weeding

6 friends a planting

5 concrete urns

4 garden books

3 clay pots

2 leather gloves

and a Rosemary topiary tree.


Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the season with all its wonderful blessings!

OK – now for some real suggestions and where you can buy them!

Magnolia Homes

I am a Fixer Upper addict.  I love Chip and Joanna, they make me believe in better things.  Chip’s book, Capital Gaines, is on my favorite book list.


So it should come as no surprise to those of you that know me that one of their products would be on this list.

Look at the greenhouse ornament!  It’s freaking adorable!  And it’s glass!  Not plastic.

The picture is a link that will take you to the page you need to order it.

White Flower Farms

One day I am going to head north in late spring to visit White Flower Farms.  In the meantime, I will enjoy looking at their catalog and hoping someone will give me one of their beautiful amaryllis plants for Christmas!


Felco Pruners

I have been gardening for about 40 years now and this is an absolute favorite of mine.

Felcos can be pricey, but they are worth every penny.  I have bought and lost many pruners over my lifetime, but the first time I lost my Felcos is the only time I cried over lost pruners!

They have many different types, including ones for us lefties!


Garden Octopus

How much fun is this guy?  Every garden needs some whimsey in it and this guy definitely fits the bill.  If he is a bit too much, check out the garden fairies below.

both of these pieces of whimsey can be found at


Cocktail Growing Kits

Who doesn’t want a nice refreshing drink after a long hot day in the garden?  Now you can grow your own!

Garden Books

Who can have enough gardening books?  Not me. Having had the wonderful opportunity to visit Munstead Woods(Gertrude’s home in England), this book would be a thrill for me to receive.  There are so many gardening books – I will have to make a separate list one day!