Theme garden 4 is a Small Formal Herb Garden.
Several years ago I worked with a good friend installing container gardens and small gardens. I will be sharing some of the amazing container designs he created later.
With one client – she asked for a small formal herb garden. The space was 4×4, with a birdbath as the center point. We used rosemary to edge the outside of the garden and to separate the other herbs. The rosemary was laid out from corner to corner, creating 4 triangle spaces for herbs. We also planted two rings around the birdbath. All in all a very simple and easy design.
Below are pictures of the garden being created. The plants used in the triangles were – thyme, sage, chives, and cilantro. Two types of basil were planted around the birdbath.

step 1
Here is the garden after laying the untreated 4x4s and prepping the bed, the bird bath will be in the center as the focal point. You could also use a statue or a large urn with flowers.

Step two
First, the rosemary plants were placed and spacing adjusted as needed to create the borders for the other herbs.

step three
The rosemary after being planted.

step four
Next – placing the inner herbs and adjusting spacing.

step five
Planting the insides of the triangles. Note: please bend your knees when doing this part – your back will thank you!

step six
a close up of the basil planted around the bird bath.

Ta-Da! Finished. A simple and basic formal herb garden!

What herbs should you use?
This depends on the purpose of your garden. This client’s was for cooking. You might want to create a garden with healing herbs, or herbs used in soap/bath products. Or maybe herbs for Italian dinners? You can add edible flowers to add some colors. There are so many herbs your options are endless.
Below I have listed several basic herbs and flowers that can be used. Keep in mind the requirements of the herbs. Most herbs can handle/need full sun and don’t need a lot of watering.
In the garden, we created – the basil needed to be watched, as it would need more water than the other herbs and could potentially get sunburned.








I hope you found some inspiration in this post! Herbs are wonderful plants to include in your garden, both formal and informal gardens. I have suggested some books for further reading.
Let me know what you think! Is this something you might try?
And as always – Thanks for reading!