Do you like gardening in the heat? I know my father loves it. Not me.
Heat is not my friend.
I remember when I moved back to VA, I rented the most adorable little house. My landlord let me do whatever I wanted in the garden! One weekend my dad brought over a truckload of leaf mulch and worked with me in the yard.
Well the humidity was about 90% and I was a wuss that day, Dad didn’t understand. Heat does not bother my dad. It got so bad that I finally told him, I just couldn’t work anymore. I needed to go in, throw up and pass out!
It seems silly now that I didn’t just stop 2 hours earlier – but I didn’t want to seem less in front of Dad. Now I know that I need to take care of myself first, and not worry about what others think.
Now when the heat is here and I need to work in the garden, I have learned some tips to help me to push through. I still don’t do it unless it means the house is about to be taken over by the weeds or I’m about to lose some of my perennials. Annuals are on their own…lol. They get watered, but I don’t mess with them beyond that.
So, below are some tips to help when you are working in your garden in the heat. I wish I could join you!
Tips for gardening in the heat
- Clothing. I remember one weekend going to help a friend harvest grapes for a client of his. I wore my linen pants and top plus a hat. It was miserably hot and humid that day. He laughed at me and asked if I thought I was going to be in a Smith and Hawken catalog shoot. Wellllll, by the end of the day when my clothes were still dry and his shirt was soaking – he wasn’t laughing. Wear loose clothing that breathes when working in the garden, jeans are miserable in the hot humid weather. You want cool and light, and light-colored! Think linen or light-weight cotton.
- Wear a hat! And if you choose a baseball cap – make sure it’s one that breathes. Better choice? Find a wide-brim garden or beach hat in a light color.
- Drink water! Drink water, drink water! Maybe add some cucumbers or mint. Make sure you are hydrated when you start and stay hydrated as you work. You want neither heat exhaustion nor heat stroke to ruin your day. Or several days.
- Breaks. Take them! Stop and sit back and admire your progress, while drinking some water or some strawberry lemonade. Run some cold water over your wrists and splash your face. Take a cool shower afterward and slather on the moisturizer.
- Sunscreen. Before and during the day.
- Plan your tasks accordingly. Don’t plan on hauling 20 bags of mulch on a hot and humid day. Do some pruning, some weeding, maybe mulch a small bed. Don’t play Garden Hero on hot days.
- Pay attention to your body and the signals it is sending you.

Do you know the signals of Heat Cramps, Stroke and Exhaustion?
Heat exhaustion signs and symptoms include:
- Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat.
- Heavy sweating.
- Faintness.
- Dizziness.
- Fatigue.
- Weak, rapid pulse.
- Low blood pressure upon standing.
- Muscle cramps.
Heat stroke signs and symptoms may include:
- A throbbing headache.
- Dizziness and light-headedness.
- Lack of sweating despite the heat.
- Red, hot, and dry skin.
- Muscle weakness or cramps.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Rapid heartbeat, which may be either strong or weak.
- Rapid, shallow breathing.
According to Google – Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, occurs when the body’s heat-regulating system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. It is a life–threatening emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
Below are a few suggestions to help you with gardening in the heat.
So – enjoy your gardening, but remember to take care of yourself – so you have many more days to garden! And if your dog or cat is outside with you; they can also suffer from heat, so watch them too, keep them hydrated!
And as always, thanks for stopping by!