Tips and Tricks for Starting Seeds
As a gardener, several of my friends ask me for advice on starting seeds. Only problem? I don’t start seeds – I don’t have anywhere near the patience for that. When it comes to plants – I am one of those instant gratification types.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I have some patience
– I used to raise African Violets. At the peak of raising them – I had about 500 plants growing in the basement of my parent’s house. But I started those from a leaf– I got faster results. Think I am going to try some succulents next.
Seeds? Placing all those tiny things in pots? Not seeing anything for days? Haven’t been able to do it. Maybe one day.
So I decided I would do some research,
for my own interest, so I would be able to help my friends and honestly? I was taking an online class about different types of posts to use when blogging. So I decided to do what is called a Round-Up post with what I found. You will have to let me know how I did in the comments!

So to start this whole thing off
I am sharing a post from one of my fellow bloggers from the course. Audrey shared with me her post on starting tomato seeds.
Who doesn’t want to have their own fresh tomatoes growing in the back yard or on the porch?
But not only is it a post on starting tomatoes – it directions can be used for just about any type of seed starting. There are plenty of pictures to show you the how-tos. So thanks to Audrey from Audrey’s Little Farm.

I have tried to categorize the posts as best as I can.
First, here is a calculator for when to start your seeds.
Two other posts for when to start sowing your seeds can be found at Grow a Good Life and Gardening Channel.
Good luck and let me know how it goes!
Why would someone want to start plants from seed? An Oregon Cottage gives you several reasons along with how to get started here.
Remember the patience thing? those tiny seeds? The Empress of Dirt has some great tips for sowing those tiny little seeds.
Looking for some shortcuts? Check out these 13.
The Prudent Garden also shares some success tips for you.
Okay – you have sowed your seeds and set your pots/trays up for optimal light. Now what? The part I hate! Waiting for the seeds to germinate. so when I found this post about using Epsom salts to improve germination – I had to include it!
Wondering why your seeds aren’t germinating? Here are some answers along with a simple test to check your seeds.

The tips of your seedling are poking up and starting to grow! Yay! Now what? Well, Amy over at Get Busy Gardening has lots of great tips on keeping them healthy until it’s time to either transplant into a bigger pot or move them outside. Check out suggestions from Get Busy Gardening and another post.
Here are a few more tips for re-potting your seedlings.
Hardening off is the process of preparing your seedlings for the cold reality of the outdoors! This is a critical step – after all your hard work the last thing you want to happen is to set your plants outside before they are ready,
You might wake up to dead seedlings.
So check out the posts from Our Stoney Acres and Grow a Good Life for tips on hardening off your seedlings.
There are many types of containers you can use to start your seeds. From DIY pots made out of newspaper, eggshells and plastic pots and trays. Recycled containers are also another option. Check out some of these ideas and suggestions. What to use in the containers you ask? Well, I just happen to have an answer here!

The Master Gardener group I am involved with grows a ridiculous amount of seedlings to sell at our local flower and garden show. I have seen pictures of some of their houses with trays of seedlings everywhere! One of my friends even had her entire dining room, floor and table, covered in trays of seedlings! If this doesn’t appeal to you, I have a couple of posts with other options and some suggestions from Amazon.
Who doesn’t worry about making a mistake? Especially if you are new to something.
So, I found some help from Homestead Acres and the Free Range Life for you.

So, How did I do?
Did I cover everything? Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments below.
OH! I forgot to add some books! Those of you that have been following me for a while know I love books. So, below are some seed starting books you can find on Amazon.